Friday, September 20, 2024

Drifting Loads Out of Buildings - Just No

This video makes me sad for the worker. They posted it on a website with a crane page and we all..


I'm not as upset with the rigger as one might expect. People rise to their level and know what they are taught. This emblematic of where he works. You might recognize it. What you might not know is it's an abysmal place with regard to safety. The problem there is they have these construction managers that are simply a little shield for the developers. They hire them. Then they hire all of the subs and everyone is responsible for their means and methods and acting safe. This means no one is managing safety or planning ahead. It's just subs trying to get by on a lot of jobs. I've been to sites in this town. It's appalling. Little better than developing countries. So we see behavior like in the video. If you pay attention, you can look up these construction managers and none of them last more than 15 years. Something will go wrong, they'll close the doors and suddenly a new entity pops up. 

If you are going to get things from below a constructed floor with a crane, you have two options. A Balance Beam with a moving weight on a beam, or you and get a Crane Loading Platform

The Rigger in the video could roll that load out on to this deck and simply hoist up. Get the slings positioned correctly. Don't have the rigging rubbing on two spots. Don't cause a swinging load. Don't set up a load that the crane can't refuse. In Seattle years ago someone was helping a self erector tower crane lift a load it was refusing. A forklift helped it lift the load the crane had refused to lift. Then they pulled the forklift away. It went as anyone thinking would expect. I've never been able to find pictures. 

If this ramp is too much, you can do this with a Fixed Outrigger Deck as well that is perfectly level with the floor. 

Buying a fixed deck is $12,500 and shipping. Shipping varies. But you can rent them as well. When you consider the ease of the deck and the time savings, it's going to make sense. More importantly, we should all be going home and not sending out lifts where the rigging is being endangered, the crane can't refuse the load, and things and be swept off of the building. This drifting out loads should never be a thing. 


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